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Sign In

When a user signs in, two tokens are created:

  • Access Token: used to access protected resources within the app.
  • Refresh Token: used to silently obtain a new access token when the current one expires, allowing the user to stay signed in without re-entering their password.

Tokens are generated on the backend. When the request is made from SvelteKit server, tokens will be returned in the response body. Both access and refresh tokens will then be saved in HTTP-only cookie and they will be used to keep the user authenticated.

Token Storage and Lifetime

  • Access Token: Not stored in a database, valid for 15 minutes.
  • Refresh Token: Stored in Redis, valid for 7 days.

You can change expiration times through environment variables.

Refreshing Token

In SvelteKit, each API request is intercepted and modified using the hooks.server.ts:

  • Check the HTTP-only cookie for an access token.
  • Check that access token is valid.
  • If the token is invalid, try to refresh it by sending a request to the API with the refresh token from the HTTP-only cookie.
  • If refreshing fails, the user is considered unauthenticated and redirected if necessary.

Refer to hooks.server.ts to see how this is implemented.

Refresh Token Rotation

When a user requests a new access token, both refresh and access tokens are regenerated. This is called refresh token rotation and ensures that old refresh tokens are invalidated. For more details, see Auth0’s docs on refresh token rotation.

Sign Out

When a user signs out:

  • Tokens are removed from HTTP-only cookies.
  • The refresh token is deleted from Redis.
  • The access token is blacklisted in Redis.

Why Blacklist Access Tokens?

JWTs cannot be invalidated directly. Removing them from cookies is not enough since the tokens remain valid until they expire. Blacklisting ensures they can no longer be used. Blacklisted access tokens are stored for a maximum of 15 minutes (the access token’s lifetime), after which they are automatically removed.

For more details, check this Stack Overflow discussion.

Sign Out from All Devices

When a user signs out from all devices:

  • All user’s refresh tokens will be deleted.
  • The user’s ID and the time of the request are stored in Redis. This is used to ensure that all access tokens created before the sign-out-from-all-devices request are invalid. Again, this data will only be stored in Redis for the access token lifetime (15 minutes).

Account Verification

When a user signs up, a JWT with the purpose verify_email_token is created and sent to the user via email as part of a verification link.

Password Reset

When a user requests a password reset, a JWT with the purpose reset_password is generated and sent to the user via email as part of a reset link.

JWT Structure

All JWTs share the following structure:

  • issuer: ID of a user who created the token.
  • issuedAt: Timestamp of when the token was created.
  • expireAt: Timestamp of when the token expires.
  • purpose: Describes the token’s purpose (access_token, refresh_token, reset_password_token, verify_email_token).

Access and refresh tokens include an additional claim:

  • roles: Represents the roles assigned to the user.
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