Environment Variables
Variable | Description | Default |
PROFILE | Profile used in docker compose when starting the application (dev or prod) | prod |
APP_NAME | Name of the app displayed in the UI | bugzkit |
HTTP_PROTOCOL | HTTP protocol (e.g., http or https) | http |
UI_HOST | Host for the UI | localhost |
UI_PORT | Port for the UI | 5173 |
API_PORT | Port for the API | 8080 |
POSTGRES_HOST | For local development: Host where PostgreSQL is running | localhost |
POSTGRES_PORT | PostgreSQL port | 5432 |
POSTGRES_DATABASE | Name of the PostgreSQL database | bugzkit |
POSTGRES_USERNAME | PostgreSQL username | postgres |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | PostgreSQL password | root |
REDIS_HOST | For local development: Host where Redis is running | localhost |
REDIS_PORT | Redis port | 6379 |
REDIS_DATABASE | Redis database index | 0 |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Redis password | root |
MAIL_HOST | SMTP server host | smtp.mailgun.org |
MAIL_PORT | SMTP server port | 587 |
MAIL_USERNAME | SMTP username | username |
MAIL_PASSWORD | SMTP password | password |
JWT_SECRET | Secret key for signing JWTs | secret |
ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION | Duration of the access token in seconds | 900 (15 minutes) |
REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATION | Duration of the refresh token in seconds | 604800 (7 days) |
VERIFY_EMAIL_TOKEN_DURATION | Duration of the verify email token in seconds | 900 (15 minutes) |
RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_DURATION | Duration of the reset password token in seconds | 900 (15 minutes) |
SPRING_SECURITY_PASSWORD | Password for auto-generated Spring Security users | qwerty123 |
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