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Environment Variables

Environment Variables

PROFILEProfile used in docker compose when starting the application (dev or prod)prod
APP_NAMEName of the app displayed in the UIbugzkit
HTTP_PROTOCOLHTTP protocol (e.g., http or https)http
UI_HOSTHost for the UIlocalhost
UI_PORTPort for the UI5173
API_PORTPort for the API8080
POSTGRES_HOSTFor local development: Host where PostgreSQL is runninglocalhost
POSTGRES_PORTPostgreSQL port5432
POSTGRES_DATABASEName of the PostgreSQL databasebugzkit
POSTGRES_USERNAMEPostgreSQL usernamepostgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORDPostgreSQL passwordroot
REDIS_HOSTFor local development: Host where Redis is runninglocalhost
REDIS_PORTRedis port6379
REDIS_DATABASERedis database index0
REDIS_PASSWORDRedis passwordroot
MAIL_PORTSMTP server port587
MAIL_USERNAMESMTP usernameusername
MAIL_PASSWORDSMTP passwordpassword
JWT_SECRETSecret key for signing JWTssecret
ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATIONDuration of the access token in seconds900 (15 minutes)
REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATIONDuration of the refresh token in seconds604800 (7 days)
VERIFY_EMAIL_TOKEN_DURATIONDuration of the verify email token in seconds900 (15 minutes)
RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_DURATIONDuration of the reset password token in seconds900 (15 minutes)
SPRING_SECURITY_PASSWORDPassword for auto-generated Spring Security usersqwerty123
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